Health-care workers permanent residence pathway

Health-care workers permanent residence pathway Immigrate with a new application process for refugee claimants working in the health-care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic

1. Immigration News7. Federal Immigration Programs8. RefugeeAgri-Food PilotAppeal your immigration decisionAtlantic Immigration PilotC10. IRCC Policies and ManualsCaring for Children PathwayCaring for People with High Medical Needs PathwayCIC NewsFamily Class (Adopted Children and Other Relatives)Family Class (Spouses, Dependent Children, Parents)Health-care workers permanent residence pathwayImmigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot ProgramRural and Northern Immigration PilotSelf-Employed PersonsStart-up VisaTemporary resident to permanent resident pathway

IRCC News: The 2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan

Ottawa – Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is pleased to release details on the Government of Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2023-2025. Canada aims to welcome 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025.

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5. Work in Canada7. Federal Immigration ProgramsCaring for Children PathwayHealth-care workers permanent residence pathwayHome Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker PilotWork Permit

Minister Mendicino Launches Plan to Accelerate Caregiver Application Processing

That is why IRCC is working to overcome the pandemic-related roadblocks that have interfered with processing applications from caregivers and their families by announcing a processing plan for 2021.

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