7. Federal Immigration ProgramsFamily Class (Spouses, Dependent Children, Parents)

Marriage Fraud and Marriages of Convenience

Cut to the anonymous woman speaking in French, her silhouette appears on screen as it did in previous shots. The following English subtitles appear as she speaks:

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN 2: I was manipulated, there’s no doubt about that.

Cut to the first woman. Her silhouette is shot from the shoulders and up and her right side is slightly lit. As she speaks, the image switches to a close-up of her hands and then goes back to her silhouette:

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN 1: Honestly, I really never saw it coming. I thought that he was different, and I think you just have to be very careful. There are so many people across Canada that are suffering nowadays from the exact same thing that happened to me.

The following website link appears at the bottom of the screen under the two sentences:


The screen fades to black before the Government of Canada logo appears, and the screen fades to black once the logo fades off.