BC PNP Priority Access: Supporting ECE and ECEA Immigration Application

- Job offer – from employer in BC
- Registration – No fee Remain in registration pool for 12 months
Invitation- Targeted draws conducted for Early Childhood Educators
- Invitation – 30 days to apply
- Application – $1150 Application fee / 90 days to assess
- Nomination – 180 days to apply for PR (Nomination valid for 6 months)
- IRCC application for Permanent Residence – IRCC Apply to IRCC for PR (work permit support provided to nominees)
- PR approved
so here’s the skills immigration process so the process starts with an indeterminate full-time job offer from eligible bc employer once the candidate has accepted the job offer they can submit a bcpnp registration if the bcpnp issues the candidate an invitation to apply they have 30 days to submit an application when the candidate submits an application an application fee must be paid and all required documents must be submitted the fee currently is one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars a list of the required documents can be found in the bc pnp technical guide on our website
if the application is approved the apple applicant becomes a nominee and they can apply to ircc for permanent residence so if nominated the nominee may be eligible to receive a work permit support letter issued by the bcpnp so that they can apply to obtain or renew a
work permit from the federal government to start or continue working in bc for the employer work permit support letters allow nominees to apply for a work permit from the federal government without the need for a labor market impact assessment if the candidate does not currently have a valid work permit they must apply for one within three months of the nomination date in order to commence employment with the supporting employer in british columbia so looking at this process slide the start illustrates how draws support ECEs
and childhood educators to attract and retain needed talent for other care economy occupations as well such as health care occupations veterinarians and the bcpnp tech program
For more information, Contact:
- Email: AyaseConsutlting@Gmail.com
- Office: 250 999 7516
- Wechat: QuentinHu
- Whatsapp: 250 588 9986
so lastly there’s more there’s more information available for employers and applicants if needed through the emails listed on the slide here and there’s resources available as well at welcomebc.ca
pnp on behalf of the bc pnp and my colleagues i’d like to thank childcare bc for hosting us today and i’d like to now turn it over to Darcy Brownlee from ircc to share information on federal immigration programs
great well thank you so much Alex and you’ve provided all of that information about the provincial nominee program and so now we’re going to take a step further back and understand how processes work from a federal immigration perspective and so

Documents that outline B.C.’s commitments to growing the Early Childhood Educator workforce:
- ChildCareBC Early Care and Learning Recruitment & Retention Strategy
- Canada British Columbia Canada – Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement-2021 to 2026
- Canada British Columbia Early Learning and Child Care Agreement – 2021 to 2025
- Continue to support and grow the ECE workforce and ensure ECE profession is seen as a valued and credible long term career option
- The number of provincially certified ECEs and ECE Assistants is increasing but workforce supply challenges persist
- Additional programs are available to support existing and potential ECES
- More information available on the ChildCareBC Website