6. Provincial Nomination ProgramsON PNP

ONIP: Using a Representative

The first email will include the applicant’s enrollment number and the second will include the PIN number.

The applicant must then authorize you as their representative by:

  1. logging in to the OINP e-Filing Portal through the link in the email they received. They will first be taken to pages to enter both their PIN and enrollment numbers.
  2. clicking on the row containing their file number
  3. clicking on ‘Appoint’

Once you’re appointed, log in to the OINP e-Filing Portal through your ONe-key account and begin the application.

You will only be able to complete an application on behalf of an applicant once you have been appointed to do so. If the application is based on invitation to apply under the OINPs expression of interest system, you will need to upload an attestation that has been signed by the applicant.

Note: If you experience a technical issue, email ontarionominee@ontario.ca with a description of the problem, a screenshot of your full screen and include the relevant file number(s). If the applicant experiences a technical issue, they must email the OINP directly with the same information.