C10. IRCC Policies and Manuals

Standard personal information banks

Consistent Uses: The government institution may collect data for statistical purposes, for purposes relating to individuals, or for both. Personal data are released to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat for statistical purposes only (refer to Central Personal Information Bank Employment Equity Data Bank – TBS PCE 739). The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes in the government’s employment equity program to identify and eliminate systemic discrimination in employment and to introduce temporary special measures to ensure that target groups participate in and are equitably represented in the federal public service. It may also be used for policy and planning purposes related to employment equity.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 942

Bank Number: PSE 918

Executive Correspondence
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include general correspondence to the Minister or Secretary of State, their Staff and other senior executives within the institution. Records used in preparation of responses to incoming correspondence may also contain personal information about individuals that is sometimes provided by institutional officials to address issues and concerns raised in the incoming correspondence. Personal information may include the name of the correspondent, contact information and other personal information that may be included by the originator and/or respondent within the content of the correspondence.

Class of Individuals: General public, Members of Parliament, and officials representing other levels of government or international governments and agencies, external organizations and/or businesses.

Purpose: To manage, in a consistent and time-efficient manner, the receipt of, and responses to, correspondence or inquiries received from outside the institution that require replies from senior executives of the institution.

Consistent Uses: Incoming correspondence may be forwarded to other federal or provincial institutions for a full or partial response if it is determined by the receiving institution that the issue(s) contained within the correspondence fall under the jurisdiction of, and should be addressed by, the other institution(s). In some cases, incoming correspondence and the response may be copied to another federal or provincial institution where the correspondence impacts on their roles and responsibilities. The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The Executive Correspondence Management System may be integrated with the institution’s Automated Document, Records and Information Management System.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 943

Bank Number: PSU 902

Description: This bank describes personal information related to a government institution’s evaluation function and activities. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, demographic information, financial information, identification numbers, gender, job titles, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals, which in some cases, are collected with informed consent.

Class of Individuals: Program participants, managers, employees, or partners of the program or institution, including government representatives from other jurisdictions, representatives of businesses and private sector organizations, academics or other experts in the program area, and other stakeholders including members of the general public.

Purpose: Personal information is used in data collection and analysis when undertaking evaluations. In some cases, a limited amount of personal information, (typically names and /or titles of academics or other experts) may appear in evaluation reports where informed consent has been given by the person or persons to whom the information relates. For many institutions, information is collected pursuant to sections 7 and 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act. For those not subject to the Act, consult the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with the deputy head of the institution, the government institution Evaluation Committee, and program managers. Information may be also be shared with (1) other government institutions or other partners involved in managing or delivering the program and in undertaking the evaluation; (2) Treasury Board Secretariat officials; and (3) consultants performing evaluation work on behalf of the institution. Final evaluation reports are made publicly available.