C10. IRCC Policies and Manuals

Standard classes of records

Record Number: PRN 931

Training and Development
Description: Includes records related to formal and informal training received by employees to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies, maximise their potential and increase their productivity. Records may include information related to special development programmes, university fellowships, language training, training requirements, professional development, leadership development programs, learning and training policies, monitoring and reporting requirements, continuous learning and career counselling. May also include records related to liaison with training providers.

Document Types: Annual training reports, individual learning plans, employee orientation information, educational leave criteria, training and skills needs analysis documents, knowledge assessment criteria and results, performance level descriptions, criteria, assessments and agreements, institutional policies on membership fees, and second language training requirements.

Record Number: PRN 927

Description: Includes records related to the authorized travel of individuals in support of the institution’s mandate. Records may include information related to employee entitlements and obligations, employer obligations, and travel allowances and/or per diem rates. The records may also include information related to the proactive disclosure of relevant travel expenses as required by the Treasury Board Secretariat and/or institution-specific policies and procedures.

Document Types: Travel advance claims, expense claims and receipts, itineraries and correspondence, applications for travel cards, reporting templates, hotel and airline directories and, where applicable, documents related to the mandatory on-line publication of travel expenses.

Record Number: PRN 934