In-Home Caregiver Recruitment and Advertisement High-Wage Positions
The coverage you purchased must correspond with the temporary foreign workers’ first day of work in Canada and the costs must not be recovered from the temporary foreign workers.
Language restriction
English or French are the only languages you can identify as a job requirement in your Labour Market Impact Assessment application and job advertisement. However, if another language is essential for the job, you must provide a justification on the application.
Unionized positions
If you are applying to hire temporary foreign workers for positions covered under a collective agreement, you must:
- advertise and offer the same wage rates as those established under the collective agreement
- offer the temporary foreign workers the same terms and conditions as Canadian and permanent resident workers
- submit a copy of the section of the collective bargaining agreement on the wage structure
The hiring of temporary foreign workers must not affect current nor foreseeable labour disputes at the workplace.
We recommend that you work actively with union representatives to recruit Canadians and permanent residents.