AINP: Semi-Skilled Worker criteria

Industry-specific criteria – foodservices industry (pilot project)

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP), in consultation with the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA), has introduced a pilot project to address labour challenges faced by the foodservices industry in Alberta.

The Semi-Skilled Foodservices Industry (Pilot Project) is limited to 600 nomination allocations for the three eligible occupations of Food and Beverage Server, Food Counter Attendants, and Kitchen Helpers. When 600 allocations have been approved, no further applications under this pilot project will be accepted or assessed. The pilot project will then be evaluated based on a number of criteria and factors. Additional allocations may be made available pending the outcome of the pilot project assessment.

At this time, applications are currently being accepted.

As an Alberta Employer in the foodservices industry, you must also:

  • Be aware that you are eligible for only one allocation per restaurant location for one (1) of the three selected occupations (listed above) under this pilot project.
  • Sign an Employer Compliance Declaration Form(PDF) and attach it to your application, responding to each question about the status of your business with the following legislative authorities:
    • Employment Standards Code; Public Health Act; Occupational Health and Safety Act; Workers’ Compensation Act; and Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act.
    • You must be in compliance with all legislation. All your answers must be truthful, correct and complete. Failure to completely disclose your current status with any of the applicable legislative authorities will result in the refusal of current and future applications submitted to the AINP on the basis of non-disclosure. The AINP reserves the right to declare you as an employer ineligible to apply under the program for up to 24 months from date of application received for non-disclosure.
  • You are obligated to uphold provincial standards for both workplace health and safety, and offer your candidate(s), for as long as your candidate(s) is/are employed, a sustainable and reliable work environment.
    • The AINP supports all legislation regarding a safe and healthy work environment, and will not approve an employer who does not adequately demonstrate compliance in meeting the AINP criteria and applicable requirements, criteria and/or standards under that legislation.
  • Show that accommodations for the Candidate are available at a cost that does not exceed 33 per cent of the Candidate’s gross salary.
  • Show that the Candidate is competent in listening, reading, speaking, and writing English prior to nomination.

Competency in listening, reading, speaking and writing English for the occupations considered under the Alberta Foodservices Industry (Pilot Project) is defined as follows:

 Major skills  Listening  Reading  Speaking  Writing
 Canadian Language Benchmark  4  4  4  4

The AINP will consider an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum score of 4.0 or a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-based total score of 47 as equivalent to the minimum Canadian Language Benchmark competency noted above.

  • A Candidate must have basic proficiency in English in accordance with the competency level defined above. Canadian Language Benchmark test results using an approved CLB assessment tool must be provided with the Candidate’s application that shows a minimum level of 4 achieved in each of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Acceptable alternatives to the CLB are noted above.
  • If the Candidate is not competent in English, the Alberta Employer must provide the Candidate with an in-house English as a Second Language (ESL) program or cover the cost of their ESL training from the time they arrive to work to when they become permanent residents, paid for by the Employer. Candidates must demonstrate competency in listening, reading, speaking and writing English as defined above.

As a Candidate in the foodservices industry, you must also:

  • Have a total of three (3) years of work experience in a job directly related to food and beverage services (abroad and/or in Canada).
  • Be employed in Alberta for a minimum of nine (9) months before applying to the AINP.

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Date Updated: Oct 06, 2011