AINP: Family Stream: Frequently Asked Questions
The AINP is currently not accepting applications under the AINP Family Stream. Applications postmarked after August 23, 2010 will be returned to the Alberta Relative. Applications postmarked on or before August 23, 2010 that meet all program criteria will be accepted for processing and will be processed according to AINP Processing Times and Family Stream criteria.
Below are some frequently asked questions about the Family Stream.
About the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)
AINP Family Stream Changes – August 23, 2010
AINP Family Stream Changes – September 14, 2009
How to Apply and Processing Times
What is the Family Stream?
The Family Stream provides a way for Alberta residents to help family members immigrate to the province. If you have family members with the skills and abilities needed to succeed in Alberta’s labour market, they may be eligible to apply under the Family Stream for immigration to Alberta.
How do I know if the application I mailed to the AINP will be accepted?
All applications postmarked on or before August 23, 2010 will be accepted for processing. Please note that it will take time for you to receive your file number.
Applications postmarked after August 23, 2010 will be returned to the Alberta Relative.
When will the AINP start accepting Family Stream applications again?
There is no set date as to when the AINP may accept Family Stream applications again. Any changes to the stream will be posted on this website.
Why did the AINP stop accepting applications for the Family Stream?
Please read the News Release for more information.
If my application was returned or declined anytime before August 23, 2010, can I reapply, since I had originally applied before the suspension?
No. Applications are not currently being accepted and you cannot reapply.
My application was postmarked on or before August 23, 2010 so it will be accepted for processing. However, if my application is then returned or declined, can I reapply, since I had originally applied on or before August 23, 2010?
No. Applications are not currently being accepted and you cannot reapply.
Do you have more information about the reasons for the change?
Please read the News Release for more information.
Can you provide me with a list of changes that occurred on September 14, 2009?
Changes that apply to the Alberta Relative | |
Former Criteria | New Criteria |
Alberta Relative must complete the Family – Sponsorship Affidavit of Support. | Alberta Relative must complete the AINP Family Stream – Affidavit of Support (AINP 006A). |
No Settlement Plan required. | Settlement Plan now required with the application as part of the AINP 006A. A Settlement Plan describes how the Alberta Relative will help the Candidate and any accompanying family members with shelter, food, clothing, finding work in their field and integrating into the community. |
On the Family – Sponsorship Affidavit of Support, you must affirm that neither you, nor your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable), have defaulted or are otherwise obligated to meet the conditions of any other sponsorship agreement entered into with a Government of a Province or Territory of Canada, including the Government of Alberta, or the Government of Canada for another sponsored family member who has obtained their permanent residence in Canada. | On the AINP Family Stream – Please note that if the Alberta Relative or anyone in the Alberta Relative’s household has already submitted an application under the AINP Family Stream where a decision has not yet been made or where a commitment of support is still in effect, a second application should not be submitted. |
Alberta Relative can demonstrate funds ($10,000 CAD for the Candidate and $2,000 for each accompanying dependant) on behalf of the Candidate. | Alberta Relative can no longer demonstrate these funds on behalf of the Candidate. The Candidate or the Candidate’s spouse/common-law partner must demonstrate these funds. |
Changes that apply to the Candidate | |
Former Criteria | New Criteria |
Candidate must complete the Family – Application for Nomination (AINP 006). | Candidate must complete the AINP Family Stream – Application for Nomination (AINP 006B). |
The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate completion of a post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate program of at least one (1) year in duration. | The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate completion of a post-secondary diploma or degree program of at least two (2) years in duration. |
The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate one of the following:
The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate one of the following:
Proof of accessible funds ($10,000 CAD for the Candidate and $2,000 for each accompanying dependant) had to be in a recognized Canadian financial institution.