(Updated on November 16, 2022)

BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Immigration (EI) is a way for international entrepreneurs wishing to immigrate to British Columbia (B.C.) to set up businesses that support innovation and economic growth in the province.

Entrepreneur Immigration is a “temporary to permanent” immigration pathway. That means that if you are approved, you will initially come to B.C. as a temporary resident, and then apply to stay permanently once you have successfully started a business.


Streams at a Glance

EI – Base EI – Regional Pilot




Within last 10 years:

Within last 5 years:

3+ years of experience as a business owner-manager, OR, 4+ years of experience as a senior manager,  OR, a combination of 1+ year of experience as a business owner-manager and 2+ years of experience as a senior manager
Net worth At least $600,000 At least $300,000


Obtained a post-secondary credential,  OR, experience as an active business owner-manager for at least 36 of the last 60 months  with 100% ownership in the business

Business proposal

You must submit  a business proposal to establish a new business or purchase of an existing business in British Columbia You must submit  a business proposal to establish a new business in British Columbia and be referred by an enrolled  community
Ownership percentage At least one-third (33.33%) At least 51%
Investment Minimum $200,000 Minimum $100,000

Job creation

Must create at least one full-time equivalent job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident  of


Location Anywhere in British Columbia Participating communities
Exploratory visit required?

No, but strongly recommended

Yes. You must engage and visit an enrolled community for support before registering


Language requirement?

Minimum of CLB 4 equivalent in English or French. Must submit  a copy of valid language proficiency test results at final report (if not previously  submitted)

Minimum of CLB 4 equivalent in English or French. Must submit  copy of valid language proficiency test at registration

Partner with BC PNP co- registrant allowed?



Partner with a local business/person allowed?




Registration  scores

Total 200 points (120 points for self-declared section; 80 points for business concept). Must score minimum of 40 points in business concept section. Total score must be at least

115 points to qualify.

Total 200 points (140 points for self-declared section; 60 points for business concept). No minimum business concept score. Total score must be at least 105 points to qualify.

Registration  timeframe Registrations are scored within  six weeks Registrations are scored within  four weeks
Net worth verification Yes, you must obtain a net worth verification report if you are invited to apply
Application timeframe Application decisions are typically made within  four months
Interview required  for approval?


Minimum amount  of time to submit a final report

18 months  after issuance of a work permit

12 months  after issuance of a work permit


Registration: $300

Application: $3,500

Registration: $300

Application: $3,500

Base stream


Please review our Entrepreneur Immigration – Base Program Guide to see the complete personal, business, investment and job requirements.

Personal requirements

  • personal net worth of at least CAD$600,000
  • business and/or management experience; if no business experience, must have the equivalent of a 2-year post-secondary diploma
  • basic English or French language skill equal to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4 or higher
  • have been lawfully admitted in the country where you currently live
  • have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada

Business, job and investment requirements

  • establish an eligible new business or buy and improve an existing business
  • make an eligible personal investment of at least CAD$200,000 in the business
  • create at least one new full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident


  • $300 registration fee
  • $3,500 application fee


  1. Prepare a business proposal
  2. Register your proposal with the BC PNP
  3. Get a work permit
  4. Build your business
  5. BC PNP nomination
  6. Permanent Residence

Prepare a comprehensive business proposal

The first step is to prepare a great business proposal that is well suited to your unique knowledge and experience and to the needs to the B.C. economy. You should do research to help you determine what kind of business to propose and which location in B.C. would be a good fit for your business. There are government resources to help you, such as the Starting a Small Business Guide.

You may also want to consider proposing a business that is related to one of the key sectors or significant economic benefits that are listed in the program guide. The Trade and Invest British Columbia website contains a wealth of information about the key industries and sectors as well as different regions and communities in B.C.

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